Paper: fully-unsupervised dynamic MRI reconstruction
Medical imaging (paper) at ISBI 2025
Paper: perspective-equivariant satellite imaging
Conference paper at ECCV TradiCV Workshop 2024
DeepInverse library
A PyTorch library for imaging inverse problems with deep learning
Tutorial: implementing group transforms for equivariance
Invertible image transforms for equivariance and augmentation for inverse problems using the DeepInverse library
Tutorial: solving remote sensing problems
Remote sensing inverse problems with satellite images using the DeepInverse library
Tutorial: playing with advanced MRI physics operators, datasets and neural networks
Multicoil, dynamic, or 3D MRI inverse problems, raw fastMRI data and unrolled networks using the DeepInverse library
Tutorial: implementing generative adversarial networks
Solving imaging inverse problems with adversarial networks using the DeepInverse library
Tutorial: implementing the Equivariant Imaging framework
Geometric transformations for equivariant imaging using the DeepInverse library
Physics-informed dynamic latent space models
MEng thesis in computational statistics and ML
Paper: FEMDA robust classification
Conference paper at ICASSP 2022
Paper: London social distance estimation
BCS Computer Journal paper with the Alan Turing Institute
Website and community map for ESEA Outdoors UK
A Bootstrap website and community map
Tutorial: Node classification with Neo4j and Python
Comparing ML using tabular vs graph data models with the Cora dataset
Tutorial: How to find places of interest along a GPX route
Using the Python APIs for Overpass and Google Maps Places
Computer studies in Northern Irish schools
A tech outreach data analysis
Mapping lost rights of way
A Python geospatial data analysis